In their review of her concert in Great Malvern, UK, Slap Magazine writes that Joanna is a "confident performer" who brings "intelligence and skill" to her lyric writing.
Read the entire review here [PDF].
In their review of her concert in Great Malvern, UK, Slap Magazine writes that Joanna is a "confident performer" who brings "intelligence and skill" to her lyric writing.
Read the entire review here [PDF].
A large and eager crowd attended the Good Shepherd Center’s Wayward Music Series for a concert of premieres organized by flutist Paul Taub on November 20, 2015. The new works, all by local Seattle composers, were written for mixed chamber ensembles with flute included in each. With a low rumble of the piano, a glassy and unsettling cello line emerged from the texture in Andy Clausen’s new work Endlichheim.
Photo by Yona Monakhov
Photo by Ted Roeder
The July 26 concert by the Kalmanovitch Maneri Duo at Brooklyn venue Jack made Jazz Right Now's top-ten list of Best Live Concerts of 2015.
The duo recently completed a successful Kickstarter campaign and is finishing their first recording Magic Mountain, based on the Thomas Mann novel, Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain).
The album, a suite of nine pieces for two violas, will be released on CD and double-LP in May 2016.
“High Risk is not so much an album of jazz augmented by electronic instrumentation, but an album performed by players that are very conscious of and interested in electronic music.”
Read more here
“Many of the tracks, like the opening “Molten Sunset,” begin with Shigeto summoning a kaleidoscopic, shimmering rainbowscape that Douglas and his band ride ever cloudward. ”
Read the entire review here.
“Where one influence ends and another one begins is a mystery, and that’s what will guarantee High Risk‘s status as a wholly unique album. With any justice, it will also serve as a template for future electro-jazz.”
Read more here
“Simultaneously chill and surprising, it’s the sound of a group discovering a valid language, and then proceeding to push the limits of that new aesthetic.”
Read the entire review and stream "First Things First" here. Preorder High Risk on iTunes now!
Justin Saglio For The Boston Globe
By Jon Garelick
Sound Prints is saxophonist Joe Lovano and trumpeter Dave Douglas’s Wayne Shorter project, but it’s not exactly a tribute “covers” band. In fact, in the first of two sets that the band played at Scullers on Thursday night, there was only one tune by the iconic saxophonist and composer — and that was a relatively new one, written specifically for this band. So the show might have been “for Wayne and about Wayne,” as Lovano said regarding one tune, but it was really about making new music, and the 80-minute set crackled with the joy of spontaneous creation.
Read the rest at The Boston Globe.
By Fred Kaplan
Trumpeter Dave Douglas has two very different new albums out: Sound Prints: Live at Monterey Jazz Festival (Blue Note), featuring a Wayne Shorter tribute-band co-led by tenor saxophonist Joe Lovano; and High Risk, a collaborative excursion into electronica.
Read the rest at Stereophile.