Ralph Farris' music for Aquila Theatre premieres in London

A Female Philoctetes premiered in April 2014 to sold-out audiences at Brooklyn Academy of Music's Fisher Hillman Studio and has been featured on NPR's "All Things Considered" and "The Diane Rehm Show." The play features incidental music by Ralph Farris, who joined the company's artistic director Desiree Sanchez to work on the production as composer and musical director.

Sophocles' ancient play, Philoctetes, captures a reality for all combat veterans who have been physically wounded and explores ethical dilemmas, as dynamic and relevant today as they were to the Greeks 2500 years ago. Aquila Theatre's production explores this ancient play, re-imagining the title role played as a female combat soldier.

The performance is on Tuesday, June 30 at 6:00 pm at Cruciform Lecture Theatre - London, UK: Tickets and info can be found here.