More on Ralph Farris' work with Aquila Theatre

The Aquila Theatre Company is proud to announce the launch of it's new You|Stories program with a staged reading of "A Female Philoctetes" (based on Sophocles' classic "Philoctetes",) running at BAM Fisher's Hillman Studio from April 16 to April 19, with performances at 7 pm. You|Stories in an innovative national program, funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities, that uses arts and humanities to explore the ancient and modern narratives of war.

As part of Aquila Theatre's National Endowment for the Humanities $300,000 multi-year Award for You|Stories, Aquila will explore Sophocles' ancient play "Philoctetes" and reimagine it with the title role played as a female combat soldier. Aquila Theatre is a veteran of Greek Classical Theatre and will boldly take on this newest endeavor. Join Aquila Theatre as they present, "A Female Philoctetes", a staged reading , translated by Peter Meineck (NYU) and directed and adapted by Desiree Sanchez (Artistic Director, Aquila Theatre), with specially commissioned live music composed by Ralph Farris (Artistic Director, ETHEL). Post show talk-backs with Scholars and Veterans to follow each performance.

A combat soldier named Philoctetes is inflicted with an incurable and insufferable injury. The soldier's comrades cannot bear to hear the cries of pain or the sight of the wound. They maroon the injured soldier, sailing away and forgetting him, that is until ten years later when they learn that the war cannot be ended without Philoctetes' help. In this way, Sophocles' ancient play, "Philoctetes," captures a reality for all combat veterans who have been physically or mentally wounded, exploring ethical dilemmas which remain as dynamic and relevant today as they were to the Greeks 2,500 years ago.

Read the rest here.